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Customizing errors

Create custom pages for certain error types like 404 and make the whole navigation experience consistent.

When you start the server and the errors are not yet customized you will see the following messages in the console:

reading ./static/500 : open ./static/500: no such file or directory
reading ./static/404 : open ./static/404: no such file or directory
reading ./static/405 : open ./static/405: no such file or directory

This message is just informing you that whenever an HTTP error 500, 404 or 405 is raised the user will just see a message in plain text, similar to this:

404 page not found

If you want to show a nicer HTML page consistent with your site, create inside the folder static any or all the following files (without any extension):

- `static/500`: To customize the HTTP 500 error (Internal Server Error).
- `static/404`: To customize the HTTP 404 error (Page not found).
- `static/405`: To customize the HTTP 405 error (Method not allowed).

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